2022年3月5日 星期六

What could the world or other countries do to help Ukraine and its people?

According to a great deal of sources, G7 leaders have already reached an agreement on economy and financial sanction, which mean Russian assets in EU would be frozen and Russian banks’ access to the European financial market would be stopped. Also US president Biden and allies would move forward on more serious sanction to boycott Russia like preventing exporting hi-tech commodity from western company.

Regard to why the west doesn't directly send the military to help Ukraine, that's because Ukraine is not one of NATO member. Even if the west cannot provide any kind of military involvement in a direct way, there are still lots of countries attempting to supply both fatal and non-fatal defensive weapons to help Ukraine defend themselves.

As far as i concerned, probably it is not a good idea to provide the armed forces directly to help Ukraine, since it may trigger more sever war confrontation like World War III and make more innocent people die

Apart from financial sanction and limited military, most of large organizations such as UN refugee, Red Cross, doctor without border are engaging in practical measures, providing food, shelter, safe drinking water, and protection for the most vulnerable

What matter to the world is to de-escalate the tense situation between Russia and Ukraine, and keep the war from going forward any more to save the peace back because the most victims would always be we all human-being.

Five keywords related to the issue 

1. implement (v.) 

    Definition: To give practical effect to and ensure of  actual fulfillment by concrete measures 

    Example: The changes to the national health system will be implemented next year 

2. involvement (n.) 

    Definition: The act or process of taking part in something 

    Example: The team's continued involvement in the competition is uncertain 

3. block (v.) 

    Definition: To stop something from happening or succeeding

    Example: She was very talented and I felt her parents were blocking her progress

4. humanitarian (n.) 

    Definition: A person who is involved in or connected with improving people's lives and reducing                               suffering

    Example: The United Nations is sending humanitarian aid to the areas worst affected by the conflict

5. ring out  (phrasal v) 

    Definition: To be heard loudly and clearly

    Example: Cheers rang out as the winner was announce

Reference information:https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2022/02/24/g7-leaders-statement-on-the-invasion-of-ukraine-by-armed-forces-of-the-russian-federation/




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