Tuesday, May 31, 2022

TOEFL writing practice Agree and Disagree II

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so.

Participating in household chores plays a significant part in maintaining the functional operation of a family. However, views differ considerably when it comes to the issue whether children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are mature enough. In my opinion, being involved in household duties is the obligation of every member of a family, and children are certainly included. And, the reasons for my attitude are explained in the following paragraphs. 

First of all, it is that household duties that assist children with getting to know the responsibility along with self-reliance. Tasks such as cleaning rooms, doing laundry and taking the rubbish out make a great impact on children. For example, they are likely to learn how to keep the surroundings clean and organize their lifestyle well as when building up the good habit. By means of assigning chores to children, it is applicable for children to arrange their own business in advance.

Another benefit of taking part in household is that young children are able to obtain the sense of being part in a team. Being a productive member of a family enables themselves to figure out how the teamwork works and reflect the days in school with peers. That is to say, they may have been equipped with knowledge relating to cooperating with each other in a group and less likely to screw up the work which being designated to them. Therefore, kids, at an early age, may become more aware of the importance of being a part of a team.

However, some argue that kids may take too much pressure on their shoulder, which not only being involved in school activities but they are also required to take responsible for housework. After completing a number of schoolwork and activities, they may tend to run out most of their energy during school times and less likely to deal with chores whole-heartedly. Moreover, giving chore to young kids may have occupied too much their time so that they cannot finish their assignments.

Based on the reasons the reasons mentioned above, I am convinced that it is better to allocate chores to the youth once they are mature enough in terms of developing the responsibility as well as cultivating the significance of collaboration.


TOEFL writing practice Agree and Disagree I

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For success in a future job, the ability to relate well to people is more important than studying hard in school.

Future work plays an indispensable part in the personal growth of every individual. In this essay, whether the capability to socialize appropriately with others is more important than studying hard in school for the successful future career is under discussion. I, personally, agree with the statement, and the reasons for my attitude are elaborated as follows.

First of all, social skills play an essential role in broadening one's perspective toward the world. Through conversations with one another, one can benefit from sharing ideas, distinct perspective and more importantly receiving feedbacks. Feedbacks can assist individuals to evaluate thoughts and viewpoint from others. By means of interacting with one another, it provides one with opportunities to analyze distinct points of view from one another and therefore lead to one’s success.

Second, by connecting with diversity of people with different inclinations, one can gradually better his socializing properly from person to person. With learning how to communicate with individuals who are not necessarily have much in common to share, it is undeniable that empower one to cultivate their sense of understanding toward customers in the future. Those who are craving to socialize with others tend to open themselves to new possibilities and enable one to be successful in the future career as a result.

Last but not least, those who possess higher social and communicational skills are more likely to be employed by a better company in comparisons with those who rarely communicate with others. Moreover, the researches demonstrate that those with enhanced communications are able to handle critical situations better. Thus, job candidates who have more eloquent speaking skills seem more likely to receive desirable employment offers.

In summary, socialization is apparently more important than hard-studying due to for the success of future employment in a better company in terms of broadening horizon, building relationship, and possessing competitiveness.



Sunday, May 22, 2022

Assignment #6 Steve Jobs’ 2005 Standford Commencement Address

The most inspirational and motivating part is about his second story, i am always inspired and encouraged by the moment when every time watching and listening to the part " How can you get fired from a company you started?" it sounds incredibly hilarious but think about it. How can a man still hang in there even if he lost everything he had built and still remain the optimistic attitude to face all of them due to the thing what he still love.

And the following quote " the heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again. Less sure about everything" came out. It is probably easier to just listen to someone's story that started over again from nothing then created the most successful animation studio in the world. I was wondering how resistant and resilient he was to have the courage to turn all the thing back from the beginning. It is like a miracle but it didn't because there is the one person truly turn it into reality like a phoenix reborn. 

The story is refreshing  for me all the time, every time when i am in the of face the tough time or even feel stressful, it can always like an epiphany remind me of that even if the destiny brutally tumbles me every time, don't forget that there is always an tiny hope in the darkest moment like a silver lining that you always find yourself clearly and stand up again. It's not scary to face all the thing but it's scary to start over again. 

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Every person’s gap year will look a little different, but, if you take one, what will you probably do? Why?

As students are getting into university, it is inextricable to take more and more responsibilities for either school assignments or pondering over the future career. Some hold the idea that taking a gap year to look for what they are truly desire, while others choose to achieve the academic degree perpetually. If I had the chance to take a gap year or staying on school to accomplish the degree, what i would probably choose? The answers for my option are enumerated in the following paragraphs.

To begin with, it is a desirable choice to take time for reflection after years of fast-paced and competitive schooling. Taking time off from traditional education provide students an appealing opportunity to contemplate themselves on which educational or career path is the best for themselves before continuing to pursue what they truly want to be. For example, after intense and unstoppable assignment coming out to them, somehow they may have some doubts on what they are doing currently and questioning themselves if it is worth investing their time. Thus, it is definitely a good choice to take time off for reflection.

What’s more, by advancing the future career path, the emphasis on special gap year advantages that school doesn’t have can be fully carried out. Those who are making out of a gap year are able to gain experience from part-time working, seeking out special training, and becoming proficiency in skills related to one’s studies. That is, whether it is obtaining from real-world experience or chasing new experiences via taking on specific projects is beneficial for building up the potential of future career.

Lastly, and most importantly, by getting off a year, the young people may take on a relaxing trip in other countries. When it comes to traveling, it is undeniable that going on a soothing journey enables individuals to see the world from holistic angle rather than lopsided angle. In fact, most become more productive after taking a gap year. Thus, those who choose to temporarily get away from schooling could be pushed to grow their sense of purpose, cultivate their independence, and even change their perspective to one that will help them gain better vision as they return to their schooling life.

To sum up, I would choose to take a gap year as my option to explore more experiences outside of school setting due to taking a break from studying, developing the career path, and traveling to other countries.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

What are two of the important aspects of body language you want to improve the most when having an online meeting/class next time? Why?

With the pandemic still getting worse in full effect, the trend of working online has already being common all over the world. Although we cannot see each other face to face, it is still indispensable to improve the body language as if you were meeting people physically by virtual meeting. To fully make good use of body language, i personally consider hand gestures as well as facial expressions as the top priority which i would like to improve.

Hand gestures, one of that aspect that i am in favor of, are the favorable way to convoy energy, emphasize a message and bring the content to your life. For example, when we attempt to present some key point, hand gesture can help us not only to amplify the point we are expressing but also to captivate your audience's attention efficiently to the conversation. What's more, simple gestures can also be used to make the conversation more seems natural as if speaking face to face. 

Facial expressions, the other one of that aspect that i want to boost, play a pivotal role in bettering ongoing meeting. It is true that those who have a slight smile and raise their eyebrows a little bit not only make speaker feel more comfortable and confident to express what they are presenting but also show the engagement and enthusiasm throughout the conversation.

The paraphrases above mentioned two significant perspectives of body language in terms of hand gestures and facial expression not only make virtual meeting successful but also improve the quality of remote communication to be more professional.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

TOEFL writing practice Argument and explanation

Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water. Choose one resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved.

A diversity of natural resources is a key to a sustainable living environment. The purpose of this essay is to choose to one natural resource which is vanishing and needs to be saved. After serious considerations, I personally believed that clean water should be the top priority because of the following reasons.

First of all, the prevention of disease should be considered as a major reason when it comes to drinking clean water. For example, most people nowadays identify how critical it is to absorb sufficient clean water which can help in getting rid of various types of toxic. Moreover, with the human body is made of 60% water, the risks that individuals are exposed to as soon as they have access to water have been contaminated by sewage and polluted sited by industries. Undoubtedly, clean water is essential not only to maintain body health but also to remain safe from disease.

What’s more, when it comes to agriculture, it is widely admitted that the available of clean water play an indispensable role in growing the production of food. For instance, without having access to clean water, it is nearly impossible to cultivate and harvest sustainable crops and foods. Therefore, it may significantly cause issues of not only feeding the members of the community, but also losing the opportunities to provide farmers to generate income for supporting their families. It is no denying that most of developing is reliant heavily on access to clean water resources.

Lastly but not least, in order to maintain a good healthy balance, it is inevitable to absorb sufficient pure water, which provides essential mineral and nutrient to the body. Drinking clean water, for example, not only enables blood to maintain the consistency but also facilitates human beings system to function efficiently. Consequently, those who are able to benefit from drinking clean and pure water lead a healthier life.

To sum up, the prevention of disease, the production of food and maintaining healthy balance are the main reasons why water resource that is vanishing needed to be saved.


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